Drinking water dilemma


Water is an essential necessity of life that we cannot live without. It is therefore disturbing to hear that the cost of clean drinking water from the tap continues to rise. Several news reports about this came out recently.

In this blog, discover how it can help us be both financially and environmentally conscious about drinking water.

The rising cost of clean drinking water

The news report (NU.nl) highlights the worrying trend of increasing costs for tap water. According to the news website, groundwater sources are becoming increasingly polluted with pesticides and fertilizers. Rivers that rely on melt and rainwater are not always consistent in quality and quantity.

In addition, drinking water companies on the coast have to deal with salinization. According to water companies, it is very important that pesticides, fertilizers and also drug residues cannot get into drinking water sources. 

It is a fact that water companies are facing rising maintenance and distribution costs, so these additional charges are being passed on to consumers. However, this does not mean that we have to resign ourselves to this situation. There are plenty of alternatives, for example.

World Water Day: A call to action for our common water source

On World Water Day, a day celebrated annually on March 22, we reflect on the importance of water for people and the environment. It is a day to draw global attention to the crucial role water plays in our daily lives and the challenges we face, such as water scarcity, pollution and inaccessibility to clean drinking water for millions of people around the world. 

This day reminds us that water is not only a source of life, but also a precious commodity to be cherished and protected for present and future generations.

The solution

There are alternatives that can not only reduce costs, but also contribute to delicious drinking water that can be sustainably tapped in offices and restaurants.

A water tap allows you to get water straight from the tap for a refreshing chilled and extra-filtered water. This means you never have to waste money on expensive bottled water from the supermarket or door-to-door delivery services again.

Sustainability and cost savings

In addition to providing an affordable alternative, a water tap also plays an important role in reducing plastic waste. Disposable plastic bottles are a serious threat to our environment, but with a water tap, you no longer have to worry about that. By simply filling your own sustainable water bottle, you are helping to reduce plastic waste and helping to protect our planet.

Choose a sustainable future

It is time to address the rising cost of clean drinking water. The fact that clean drinking water is becoming increasingly expensive is an alarming development. With a water tap, you use advanced water filters to filter out contaminants and bacteria to fill clean water directly into your own bottle. And best of all? It's environmentally sustainable, too.

Thus, you not only save money in the long run, but also contribute to reducing the plastic waste mountain. So a win-win situation. Together we can do our part for a sustainable and affordable future.