What about tap water on vacation


Is the water in Spain drinkable?

Yes, tap water in Spain is safe to drink.
Tap water in Spain can have a chlorine taste. Consequently, Spaniards use bottled water a lot. Spain ranks 6th in terms of water use: the average Spaniard uses about 320 liters of water per day. The Dutch make do with 200 liters less.

Is the water in France good to drink?

Tap water in France is safe to drink. Even though the quality of tap water is good these days, a lot of bottled water is still drunk. Some travel guides recommend bottled water because French tap water contains a lot of chlorine. The biggest consumer of water (39%) in French households is bathing and showering.

Tap water in Italy is safe to drink
Italian tap water can have a strong taste of chlorine. Italians therefore make extensive use of bottled water. In an effort to reduce waste, Italian water companies are trying to make tap water more popular. For example, by placing drinking water fountains in tourist areas.

Drinking tap water in Turkey is not recommended
Tap water in Turkey is chlorinated. It is recommended to drink bottled water; this is available everywhere. Always check that the cap of the bottle has not already been opened. Drink only soft drinks from bottles and do not use ice cubes. It is even recommended to brush your teeth with bottled water. By 2030, Istanbul expects to lose 15% more drinking water due to increased evaporation from reservoirs due to global warming.

Tap water in Scandinavia
In the Nordic countries, tap water is of very good quality. Tap water in Finland and Iceland is even purer than bottled mineral water and needs no further purification techniques. In fact, the tap water from Norway's Aust-Agder is of such high quality that it is exported to many other countries. And in Sweden, tap water is purified with UV radiation combined with monochloramine. This purification method gives tap water no taste or odor.

Tap Water in Southern European Countries
In southern European countries, it is also safe to drink water from the tap. In Portugal the water contains a lot of lime and iron, which affects the taste, and in Spain it can have a slight chlorine taste. In Italy, drinking water fountains have been installed everywhere to show that the tap water is of good quality for drinking. The water in Greece is also safe to drink, according to Vitens and the ANWB.

Safe tap water in Europe
In many vacation countries, including Belgium, France, Great Britain, Ireland, Germany, Austria and Switzerland, the water purification is in order and, according to Vitens, you can simply drink safe water from the tap and brush your teeth with it. It may be that in some vacation countries the water does not taste as good. This is because in the Netherlands the tap water is very well purified. Therefore, drink from a nice water tap at your work as well.

Tap water in Greece is safe to drink
In areas with chlorinated drinking water, many people choose bottled water. Residents of Athens and Samos had a primitive form of water supply as early as the 6th century.

Tap water in Belgium is safe to drink
Although tap water in Belgium is of good quality, many Belgians are in the habit of buying bottled water. The Belgian government, through the "Drinking tap water" campaign, is trying to get Belgians to drink tap water, because it is better for the environment and "the wallet," and at least as healthy as spring water.

Tap water in England. Safe to drink
Water from the tap can sometimes look a little cloudy. This is due to excess air in the water. This goes away on its own, and after a few minutes the water is clear. It is recommended to drink only cold tap water. Hot tap water may contain too much copper.

How long do I have to boil (tap) water before I can drink it?

If tap water is not clean enough to drink, you can boil it to do the bacteria. Let (tap) water boil vigorously for 3 minutes and then let it cool to room temperature. Now it's clean and drinkable again! Boiling a little salt with it can improve the taste of the water.

When in doubt, you can always drink bottled water or ask locals

A convenient way to be able to drink tap water wherever possible is with a stainless steel water bottle. This way you can always drink delicious water from the tap. At home and on vacation!