The healthy benefits of tap water


What are the healthy benefits of tap water?

We've listed 10 health benefits of why drinking water is so important for you.

1. Water keeps the moisture balance at level‍.

You lose fluid every day through your daily activities. It is important to replenish that as well. Logically, you do that by drinking enough. There is also fluid in food, such as watermelon or cucumber, but drinking is the quickest way to replenish your fluid balance.

When you lose too much fluid without replenishing it, you make less urine and you get a thirsty feeling. This is a sign from your body to indicate that you need to drink more to replenish the fluid supply.

2. Water reduces fatigue

Drinking water is one of the easiest ways to reduce fatigue. Dehydration is also associated with negative mood, fatigue and confusion. Water is a great way to address your fatigue and get back on track in a positive and fresh way.

3. Water lowers blood pressure

Drinking enough water is one of the easiest ways to lower your blood pressure. If you don't drink enough water, your body retains sodium. Your body does this because there is a lack of fluid, and that way your body maximizes the fluid that is still there.

Dehydration causes blood vessels to contract, allowing your body to conserve fluid. You will then sweat and urinate less. However, your heart then also has to work harder and your blood pressure will rise.

4. Water balances calorie processing

First, water contains zero calories. In addition, it helps you burn calories and, if you take it before your meal, partially reduces your appetite. This reduces calorie intake, which can lead to weight loss. If you drink water instead of soda or other sugary drinks, the gains are optimal. Just don't expect to be slim after a week. For weight loss, you will have to do a little more. Consider healthy eating and adequate exercise.

5. Water stimulates the brain

Your brain is made up of 80% water. If you want to get the most out of your brain, drinking water is best. Read why tap water is good for your brain here. Drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water a day can increase your cognitive abilities by 30 percent. "Almost 80 percent of our brain is made up of water, so it's important to get enough of it," explains lead researcher at the University of East London, Caroline Edmonds. So if you drink a lot of water, your brain gets everything it needs to function properly. If you don't drink enough water, it can result in lower mental function.

6. Water lubricates the joints

Did you know that joint pain can be aggravated or even caused by dehydration? The cartilage between your joints is a kind of cushion. Cartilage is made up of a certain kind of fluid or gel, which in turn is 60% water. Especially when it is already damaged, it is important to drink enough so that your body can produce fluid for your joints.

7. Water removes toxins

Water flushes toxins and waste from your body and transports nutrients. It is a natural lubricant that keeps your colon moist. This softens stools, for example. Our kidneys also depend on water to remove toxins. The kidneys remove waste products from our blood and filter toxins. These you urinate out again. So drinking enough every day is essential for us. Read more about how much water you can drink per day here.

8. Water increases productivity

When you are thirsty, your brain sends a message to your body that you are thirsty. As soon as you drink water, you free your body from that message, so to speak. In doing so, you immediately improve your ability to think, function and perform better. Studies show that if you are even 1% dehydrated, you are 12% less productive. 3 to 4 percent dehydration reduces your productivity by 25 to 50 percent.

9. Water improves your skin

When you have dry skin, drinking water provides more moisture. It can also relieve symptoms of acne because, as described above, water helps remove toxins better. Drinking enough water helps with sparkling skin with a healthy glow.

10. Water as fuel for your muscles

Water is one of the most abundant nutrients in your body and helps in muscle growth and development. It helps build muscle. Energy reactions take place in water, which boost your health, endurance, fuel and muscle building. Thus, it transports nutrients to your muscles and takes away waste products. So always make sure you drink enough water.