Why tap water is good for your heart, brain and metabolism


Tap water is good for your heart, brain and metabolism

Do you find it difficult to drink enough water daily? It helps tremendously if you always have it with you, then you already don't have to think about it as much. A handy way to do this is with a stainless steel water bottle. This way you always have enough (cold) tap water at hand, at home or on the go!

Tap water prevents headaches

Tap water helps prevent the most debilitating headache of all: migraines. A study of people suffering from migraines was published in The Journal of Neurology .

One group of people was administered a placebo, and the other group was told to drink 1.5 liters of water more than they normally did. On average, the group that drank 1.5 more liters of water experienced shorter and less intense pain than the group that was given the placebo.

Your brain works better

Drinking water has a positive impact on people's reaction time. Drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water a day can increase your cognitive abilities by 30%. Here you can read exactly how many liters of water you can drink per day.

The human brain needs a lot of oxygen to function optimally. "Almost 80 percent of our brain is made up of water, so it's important to get enough of it," explains lead researcher at East London University, Caroline Edmonds.

So if you drink a lot of water, your brain gets everything it needs to function properly. If you don't drink enough water, it can result in lower mental function.

Drinking spring water or mineral water?

Did you know that there is a difference between drinking spring water and drinking tap water? Spring water is not only a lot worse for the environment, but it also affects your health.

Tap water keeps your brain alert

Dehydration is the number one cause of daytime fatigue. Therefore, next time you slump in the afternoon and want to take an afternoon nap, try drinking a glass of tap water.

It can make you do your job better, or at least prevent you from performing poorly at work. Just 2% dehydration can cause you to have trouble with your short-term memory and with your focus on your computer screen.

】Crane waterprotects your heart

Drinking enough water can lower the risk of heart attack. The American Journal of Epidemiology shows in a 6-year study that people, who drink more than 5 glasses of water a day, are 41% less likely to have a heart attack. This is compared to people who drink less than 2 glasses of water a day.

Tap water stimulates your metabolism

Are you trying to lose weight? Drinking water can boost your metabolism (metabolic rate). According to the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism , metabolism increases by 30% in healthy men and women.

This effect comes as soon as 10 minutes after drinking the water and reaches its maximum after 30-40 minutes. Drinking one or two glasses before eating additionally makes you feel "full. This causes you to eat less and thus you can lose weight.

How much water do you drink at school or work?

So drinking enough tap water has several benefits. It is good for your heart, brain and health. Also, on average, our body consists of 70% water. An important part of it is in the blood and in the brain. Our blood consists of 92% water and our brain 80%. Water allows nutrients to be transported to the cells and waste products to be disposed of.

Furthermore, with the help of water we regulate our body temperature and strengthen our immune system. In short, water is very important and indispensable for our bodies!

In addition to all its health benefits, water is of course also simply delicious and refreshing, especially when filtered, chilled and sparkling. That is why Zereau Drinks | KRNWTR+ with sustainable water taps ensures that everyone in the office, at school or in the catering industry can drink unlimited and extra tasty tap water.